Our Beliefs
We are Seventh-Day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventists adhere to
28 Fundamental Beliefs

These beliefs cluster into five constellations that undergird a faith that works and is relevant in our lives today!

Here is what this means for you

 The Bible is the Word of God

“In the beginning, God created.” The Bible begins with these words and in these words Seventh-day Adventists have always found our theology, our belief, our value system, and a guide for the way we live our lives.

Adventists believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe the stories of the Old Testament and follow the teachings of the Gospels. We are deeply interested in Bible prophecy, and believe that the Ten Commandments constitute a rule for life.

But most of all, Adventists believe that the Bible is a dynamic, living book sent from God, whose pages contain the information we need to become more like Him.

The Doctrines contained in this cluster:

[Creation (6), Present Truth, Divine Revelation, The Gospels]

 Jesus is the Son of God

An Adventist is first and foremost a Christian. Seventh-day Adventists claim Jesus as our Savior, accept His righteousness as our own, and pray to Him as the Son of God and for the forgiveness of our sins.

In the life and ministry of Jesus, Adventists find our role model for daily living. In the deeds of Jesus and in the stories of his life, Adventists find the example for personal behavior as well as how we relate to one another.

Adventists will often speak of the “mystery of the trinity” to refer to our belief in the Holy Trinity: God the father, God the Son and God the Spirit, three persons, one God. Adventists, like Jesus, call God our Father. We speak of the “in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit.” But at the root of our understanding of God, is one special God/Man: Jesus Christ. In Him we live and move and have our being.

The Doctrines contained in this cluster:

God Loves You and has a plan for your life

The Bible says that God is love. We believe this divine love is expressed every single day in the way God cares for us, his children.

From the story of creation, through the Second coming of Jesus Christ, the message of the Bible is consistent and clear: God loves each one of us, and has a specific plan for each of our lives.

At the heart of God’s plan lies the opportunity for every individual to experience the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We want every person to know the fullness of being made “in the image of God.” Adventist Christians believe in a God who, through Jesus Christ, is “reconciling the world to himself.” Bringing us closer to the relationship God intended to have with His children.

The Doctrines contained in this cluster:

[Righteousness by Faith, The indwelling Christ, The Church (12), The remnant (13), the Bible (1), Gospel proclamation and soul-winning]

These first three we share with other christians, although we have a unique view of most of them. The next two clusters are what make Seventh-day Adventists unique. We believe these doctrines with the same fervor with which we believe the first three.

God is concerned with the quality of human life

For a Seventh-day Adventist, no act, word or deed is too small to be transformed by the grace of God. We believe that God is concerned with the quality of human life. Everything, the way we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world around us is part of His design and plan.

Our families, our children, our jobs, our talent, our money and our time are all important avenues by which God brings grace into our lives. Nothing escapes our Father’s attention or care, because each one of us matters.

The Doctrines contained in this cluster:

God wants to spend time with you in a personal way

When we bow in worship, He is there with us. When we stop and pray, He is there with us. When we keep the Sabbath holy, He is there with us. When we read His word and think of His blessings, He is there with us.

When we gather as a church in the name of Christ, He is there with us. When we stand up against evil, He is there with us. At our birth, and at our death. At every moment in between. God is there for us. When the world will come to an end, He will be there for us. Seventh-day Adventists believe that God spends time with humanity in a personal way. And that He does it every day, every week, in every life, always.

The Doctrines contained in this cluster:

Compiled by Ray Tetz