Our Mission and Vision

To live by God’s grace, to grow in love, and to be a voice of hope.
To be a community of faith inspiring all people toward courageous hope, generous love, and grace-filled diversity.
With our families, church, schools, and community we grow together in FAITH.


9:00 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Sabbath School
11:45 a.m. Worship
To live by God’s grace, to grow in love, and to

Be a voice of hope

Together: God’s Vision, Our Growth

is a vision capital campaign that seeks to expand our community engagement and enrich the discipleship experience through restoring space and land to their full ministry potential.
Azure Hills Church is filled with stories from people just like you that have experienced God's faithfulness. We celebrate how God has taken our hopeless situations and crafted them into beautiful testimonies of His power, provision, and love.

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