a. During Worship Services
You may place your contributions in an offering envelope found in the pews and place it in the offering plate when the service calls for it.
b. Adventist Giving
You can give through your credit card or checking account. You can access Adventist Giving online or through the app on your mobile device.
c. By Mail
Please mail any contributions to:
Azure Hills Church
22633 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
a. Tithe
This money is sent directly to the Southeastern California Conference and supports the world-wide ministries of the Adventist Church. A portion of the tithe supports the local church through paying the salaries of the pastoral staff.
b. Local Budget/Vision in Action
These funds support the mission and ministries of the Azure Hills Church. Our local spending plan this year is $981,000 and is used to cover all the expenses of our church.
c. Capital Fund
Giving to this fund helps reduce the debt our church has incurred through the major renovation projects we have undertaken.
d. Custom
You can designate a specific local ministry you would like your donations to support on the offering envelope or Pushpay. In emergencies, we reserve the right to use any local funds donated to address the emergency. Tithe is the only restricted offering accepted. We do our best to manage funds in responsible ways to avoid emergencies and honor your wishes.
In 2020, our projected spending plan is $1,109,500 which covers all the expenses of the local church. The following is a general breakdown of how our spending plan is allocated:
- Ministry Expenses (Sabbath School, Youth, Outreach, etc): $414,500
- Educational Subsidy (Loma Linda Academy & Azure Hills Children’s Center): $256,000
- Plant Operating (Mortgage, Maintenance, Utilities): $439,000
To see the detailed spending plan click
HERE.All your contributions to the church are tax deductible and you will be mailed a contribution summary at the beginning of the new year.
Our full-time Treasurer, Janet Bottroff, works closely with our Administrative Pastor, Steve McHan, to ensure the money is handled properly and is being spent wisely. We also have a Finance Committee, comprised of church members and the pastoral staff who meet monthly to review financial statements, approve the spending plan, and recommend to the Church Board major financial decisions for the church.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Pastor Steve by email at
smchan@azurehills.org or phone at 909-825-8611 x110.