Flag Football

For kids ages 6-14

Spirituality is not just for church. It can help us in all aspects of our lives, including sports!

We provide a high quality, family friendly flag football league for kids 6-14 years old. Our staff and volunteers are committed to offering a positive, Christian environment in which your kids can grow and learn the game. Our league is open to the community.

We Exist To:

  1. Teach teamwork, responsibility and respect for self and others.
  2. Integrate spiritual life into sports activities.
  3. Promote exercise and healthy living.
  4. Give families a shared experience that engages the whole family.
  5. Create connections between church members and community members.


Danny Fuller

2018 Season Quick Guide

Registration fee: by September 1, $70 (after September 1, $80)
Games played:
Location: Loma Linda Academy (see map here)

Registration and Information

*please review carefully

Helpful Information

  • Registration fee per player is $70
  • Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Your registration fees go toward paying the cost of: league uniform, trophy, equipment, field rental fees and officials.
  • You may request to be placed with a friend and/or coach. However, we cannot promise to honor your request.
  • There are three age divisions for football 6-8, 9-11, 12-14.

Each participant will be given a team jersey. No metal cleats are allowed. You may use other cleats.


Teams usually ask parents to volunteer to bring snacks each week for their team. There will be limited amounts of snacks available for purchase at each game.

We are always looking for volunteers. We need coaches and Referees. If you would like to be a coach, please fill out the volunteer information on the registration website. Registration fee will be waived for one child per coach. If you would like to referee, please send us a message and we will get you set up.

Division Rules and Penalties
Equipment Rules
  • No metal cleats.
  • No pockets or belt loops on pants or shorts.
  • All shirts must be tucked in.
  • No arm, hands or wrist pads. Soft kneepads may be worn on knee.
  • Flags must be worn on the hips and be pointing away from the body.
  • We use a junior football.
  • Each team should have 6 players on the field.
  • If a team has at least 4 of its own players but does not have all 6, they may recruit from the same division to get to 6 players. No team can play with less than 4 of their own players. Teams will be given 10 minutes to recruit players as needed.
  • Coaches must register recruited player with the official score keeper.
  • If original team members arrive during the game, they must replace the recruited players within ten minutes of arrival.
  • Division 1 coaches are not allowed on the field during game time.
  • Division 2 coaches are only allowed on the field when their team is on offense during the first 5 weeks of play. After week 5, division 2 coaches will not be allowed on the field.

Coin Toss
The visiting team indicates to the official their choice of heads or tail. The team that wins the coin toss can choose between being on offense or defense, which direction they would like to start out going, or may defer to the second half. Teams automatically switch direction at the half.
  • Touchdowns are 6 points.
  • Point After Tries (PAT) are scored as follows:
    – 2 points—for touchdown from 10 yards out.- 1 point—for touchdown from 3 yards out.
  • A safety is 2 points.
  • There are two 20-minute halves.
  • The clock only stops after touchdowns during the first 18 minutes of each halve. The clock restarts after the ball is snapped. There is a 30 second time-out at the 2-minute warning of each halve.
  • After the 2 minute warning, the clock stops for: timeouts, an incomplete forward pass, a live ball that is run out of bounds, penalty enforcement, a score, and during an extra point attempt.
  • The clock restarts with the next ball snap ONLY after incomplete passes, ball-out-of-bounds, touchbacks and following timeouts. The officials will restart the play clock for all other situations.
  • After the official has given the ready-for-play signal, the team that’s on offense has 30 seconds to snap the ball.
  • Each team is given 2 timeouts per half.
  • Tied games are decided by shoot out. Each team is given the ball an equal number of times. Teams get 4 downs from the 20-yard line. Defense cannot return the ball for a touchdown.
Game Rules
  • There is no kick-off. Play begins at the 15-yard line to start off the half and after a score.
  • The team on offense has 4 downs to move the ball 20 yards.
  • Three players must be set within 1 yard of the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball. Players in motion are considered backfield players.
  • Offsides (offensive or defensive) and false starts are the only two penalties in which the play is immediately whistled dead.
  • The ball is spotted where the hips are when the flag is pulled, not the ball. A snapped ball that hits the ground after touching a player is dead where the person is standing. A snapped ball that hits the ground without being touched can be picked up by the offense and played.
  • A defender may not strip the ball from the ball carrier.
  • The snapper may not receive a hand-off unless he has turned 180 degrees to face his own endzone.
  • Center must snap ball between his legs.
  • At least one ball exchange must occur before the ball can be run across the line of scrimmage.
  • A safety will be awarded if the team on offense’s flag is pulled in their own endzone, if the ball is dropped in the endzone, or if an offensive penalty occurs in the endzone. The team on defense will be given 2 points and possession of the ball at the 35-yard line.
Ball Carrier
  • The ball carrier must make an attempt to go around a defender who has established position.
  • Players may dive to catch the ball.
  • Diving and hurdling by the ball carrier are not legal maneuvers. Spinning is not hurdling.
  • If a player dives or hurdles, play stops and the ball is spotted at the point the runner left the ground. The clock will be managed as if the player’s flag had been pulled at the spot they left the ground.
  • It is guarding the flags anytime:
    • the ball carrier’s arms or hands go below the waist and ANY contact is made between the defender and the ball carrier.
    • the hand or arm is used to push away the defender.
    • the ball is used to hold a defender’s hand away.
    • the flags are held or moved by the ball carrier.
    • the flag belts are worn so that the flags do not point outward from the waist
There are 2 legal ways in which to block:
  1. Hands and arms extended—the arms may be used to keep the rusher in front of them; if the arms are brought in to absorb contact, they cannot go back out in a shoving motion.
  2. Hand and arms against the body—the hands and arms must remain in contact with the body; the elbows must not extend away from the body.
  • Elbows cannot be used to block.
  • You can’t leave the ground when blocking.
  • All contact must occur between the shoulders and the waist.
  • No excessive force used when blocking.
  • The rusher must push or pull the blocker to the side using only the hands.
  • The rusher may not push or pull the blocker to the ground.
  • The rusher may not push the blocker straight backwards.
  • The rusher may not use shoulders, forearms or elbows to make contact with a blocker.
  • All contact must occur between the shoulders and the waist.
  • Three or 4-point stances on the line of scrimmage are not allowed.
  • Defensive players may not impede an offensive player as they leave the line of scrimmage.
  • Defensive players may dive for a flag.
  • There is no minimum number of players the defense must have at the line of scrimmage.

  • Tackling is called any time the runner’s progress is impeded by breaking stride or losing momentum. The following are examples of tackling:
    – Tripping a runner.
    – Pushing a runner out-of-bounds.
    – Pushing another player into the runner.
    – Grasping the runner and/or clothing.
    – Tackling by knocking or pulling to the ground.
  • A runner, who is tackled by the last player between them and the goal line, will be awarded a touchdown.
  • In order to declare a punt, 2 halfbacks must create a touch-off zone by aligning themselves in the backfield and touching fingertips while both feet are on the ground. At this point their are set and cannot move until the ball passes the line of scrimmage.
  • You can fake punt, but the half-backs cannot move until the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage.
  • The punter cannot go past the half-backs when punting.
  • Only one rusher can go passed the half-backs when punting. If it is obvious they are faking the punt, they can rush two players.
  • The kicking team may not interfere with the receiving team’s right to catch the ball.
  • Nobody can go into the touch-off zone, which is the box between the half-backs and the line of scrimmage.
Summary of Penalties
  • Illegal substitution.
  • Extra Player (No effect on game).
  • Touch-off violation during a punt.
  • Blocking punt.
  • Simulating snap action.
  • Snapping irregularities.
  • Three of four point stance on line of scrimmage (offense or defense).
  • Illegal formation (not having 3 players on the line of scrimmage).
  • Illegal motion (players not in motion must be set for one full second).
  • Illegal center return hand-off.
  • Offsides (Offense or defense) NO PLAY.
    • No ball exchange before a run
    • Illegal forward pass (behind the line of scrimmage)
    • Guarding the flag
    • Illegal forward pass (beyond the line of scrimmage)
    • Illegal participation
    • Out of bounds player participating
    • Kicking into rusher
    • Interference of kicking team to let receiving team field the ball (beyond the line of scrimmage)
    • Illegal block or use of elbows or forearms (behind the line of scrimmage)
    • Defensive holding
    • Stealing the ball from the ball carrier
    • Offensive holding
    • Personal fouls
    • Unsportsmanlike conduct
    • Illegal blocking (beyond the line of scrimmage)
    • Running over defender
    • Offensive pass interference
    • Tackling (possible TD if last man to goal line)
    • Defensive pass interference (at the 1-yard line if it occurs in the endzone)


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Please be sure to read and review this page carefully before registering, as updates have been made recently