Overcomer, Pt. 6

Mar 5, 2022

On Sabbath, March 5, Pastor Tara VinCross shares part 6 in our sermon series called, “Overcomer.” How are we to make it through hard times? Revelation 12:11 declares, "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” - our experience of salvation and sharing our story. By looking to Jesus and sharing our story we are strengthened to make it through whatever we are facing. We are journeying deeper together through a letter written by the disciple Peter to a group of exiled believers. This week we turn to 1 Peter 4:1-11. Peter says the end of all things is near. It certainly feels like that in the world we live in today. Pain and suffering are around us in our community and in the world as a whole. In light of this, Peter goes on to call us to prayer, to deep connection with people, and to doing our part in the world to share grace, all with one aim: to the praise and glory of God! This weeks’ message spurs us on in the race we are running, knowing together we can be overcomers!