Deep Calling: The Call to Devotion, pt.1 | Pastor Tara VinCross
Jan 13, 2024 • Pastor Tara VinCross
James K. A. Smith said, "You can’t think your way into new habits. New habits can only emerge as you practice them.” This is so difficult for us! Perhaps because practicing new habits is so routine, so ordinary. We want something bigger, and dare I say flashier, to bring us into deeper relationship with God, others, and our purpose in the world. Yet, God is doing a slow work of transformation in each of us, at times imperceptible to us.
Pastor Tara VinCross will begin a new series called, “Deep Calling,” that explores the eight calls of God, our response to grace. This week, a Call to Devotion. Come and Worship. We hope to see you here!