Going for God
Once upon a time, God called the wisest man in all the world to save His people from the Egyptians. Solomon. Wait, no…that’s not right. Once upon a time God called the strongest man in all the world to save His people from the Egyptians. Sampson. Wait...that's still not right. Surley God called the smartest or bravest, wealthiest or most well-spoken person to lead the nation of Israel out of slavery to be a testimony of God's faithfulness. So he called...Moses? This week we take a break from our regular sermon series as we take a moment to ponder on our call to be disciples. As we take a look at Moses, I wonder a few things: Where have our feet taken us this year? Where have we been asked to go...and more importantly, did we listen? As we celebrate the final Sabbath of 2022, what will your spiritual resolution for this year be?Will we Go...and tell everyone about the greatness of God to all the cities around us?The streets. The person next door? Take a look at the story of Moses this week; think to the time when Jesus asked him to "Go" for him.