A Tenant or an Heir? | Elder Will Penick

Aug 24, 2024    Elder Will Penick

We are excited to welcome our guest speaker, Elder Will Penick, to Azure Hills. He is the Ministerial Director at the Southeastern California Conference (SECC). Will loves Jesus and is blessed to serve our pastors in SECC. He has a passion to share the gospel in a divisive public space and encourages the church in growing as disciples, not just members. Will currently is living in Riverside with his amazing wife, Connie, and their daughter, Ariella, and son, Liam. He enjoys sports (Go Warriors), good food, and spending time with his family in his free time and a little golf when he can fit it in.

The New Testament scholar for everyone, NT Wright, spelled out the human predicament. “God has always wanted us; the question is do we want God?” We have a choice to hold onto the vineyard we protect or the answers we already have or be open to the new possibilities that are found in Christ.

-Elder Will Penick

Ministerial Director, SECC