The Kingdom Is for Kids | Pastor Mike Leno

Aug 10, 2024    Pastor Mike Leno

What keeps people out of the Kingdom of God? Mistakes? Pride? Continual sinning? No, there are plenty of examples in Jesus’ ministry of people who did all of those things and more but were forgiven and accepted into the kingdom. Jesus did, however, point out certain people that would have a hard time entering the kingdom of heaven. And when he did that, the disciples, in amazement and disbelief said, “Who then can be saved?”

According to Jesus, part of the problem is our human tendency to compare and compete with each other. We think there has to be a pecking order. Surely someone has to be greatest in the kingdom! But what if Jesus’ criterion for who is in the kingdom makes us uneasy? It certainly made the disciples uneasy.

Pastor Mike Leno explores the stories of Jesus blessing the children and turning away the Rich Young Ruler. In these stories Jesus tells us what sort of kingdom he is offering, and how we can get in on it. With God, all things are possible.