White Space for the Soul

What image or sense does that word conjure for you?
I see a large expanse of Southwestern sky, far more spirited than the quiet tableland over which it hovers. I envision a wide meadow dotted by tiny grass flowers and flanked by woods—a clearing. A breathing, open space.
Space engenders freedom, peace, and possibility.
I recently stumbled upon an article in a design journal about white space. The article discussed how white space serves to punctuate a design; it pulls the eye to focus on what the designer truly wants to emphasize. No good graphic artist uses all her space. In the crowding of the page the artist would lose the impact of his image. Could it be that the way we crowd our lives with activities and things causes our lives to be out of focus and without real impact?
It hit me recently how closely an inner attitude of white space opens the heart to the voice of God and the souls of others. The soul that is hurried and cramped can rarely afford comfort and hospitality to another soul. A time and space starved soul cannot stop and hear the story of another nor offer practical help. It holds no inner sanctuary for worship and wonder. How I need that gracious rhythm and open-heartedness that may be called “white space”! Maybe you can identify with me.
As I reflect upon how I may better offer comfort and practice hospitality, I am filled with gratefulness that our God is in no hurry. Rather our Lord has created time and space in the person of Jesus to offer comfort and hospitality to me. Within God’s white space I find redemption and restoration.
Our Creator has made a time and space for each of us. May we in turn keep white space for God and others!
READ: 2 Peter 3: 9
What image or sense does that word conjure for you?
I see a large expanse of Southwestern sky, far more spirited than the quiet tableland over which it hovers. I envision a wide meadow dotted by tiny grass flowers and flanked by woods—a clearing. A breathing, open space.
Space engenders freedom, peace, and possibility.
I recently stumbled upon an article in a design journal about white space. The article discussed how white space serves to punctuate a design; it pulls the eye to focus on what the designer truly wants to emphasize. No good graphic artist uses all her space. In the crowding of the page the artist would lose the impact of his image. Could it be that the way we crowd our lives with activities and things causes our lives to be out of focus and without real impact?
It hit me recently how closely an inner attitude of white space opens the heart to the voice of God and the souls of others. The soul that is hurried and cramped can rarely afford comfort and hospitality to another soul. A time and space starved soul cannot stop and hear the story of another nor offer practical help. It holds no inner sanctuary for worship and wonder. How I need that gracious rhythm and open-heartedness that may be called “white space”! Maybe you can identify with me.
As I reflect upon how I may better offer comfort and practice hospitality, I am filled with gratefulness that our God is in no hurry. Rather our Lord has created time and space in the person of Jesus to offer comfort and hospitality to me. Within God’s white space I find redemption and restoration.
Our Creator has made a time and space for each of us. May we in turn keep white space for God and others!
READ: 2 Peter 3: 9
Posted in Christian Life
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