Psalm 46: Learning to Be Still When You Can’t Even Sit | Psalms of Summer, pt.11

Aug 26, 2023

Our society has more time saving devices than ever, yet they’re commonly used to fill our time -- every single second. Hopefully you cherish sitting still and being in the company of others, or yourself, or God. Or do you struggle to even sit, feeling more comfortable moving or accomplishing? What would happen if you actually sat still … to breathe … think … listen ... be present … and be God’s? Jesus calls us to be still and know that He is God. He offers more contentment than our achievements, more peace than our vacations, more joy than our entertainment, and more richness of life than our schedules. This Sabbath, examine hurry-sickness. Explore holy stillness. Experience life as something not to be achieved, but received from Jesus, when we sit still and let Him be God in us.