This is My Story | Psalms of Summer, Pt. 4

Jul 8, 2023    Pastor Tara VinCross

This Psalm shifts from trial, to deliverance, to impending trial, all declared or sung in the community of believers. Both praise and lament belong in the Christian community. But is that what we expect to find in church? Hearing authentic, vulnerable stories about challenges God delivered us from and first-hand experiences of trials we have not yet made it through. What if what allows us to make it through the hardships of this life is God working through the community? What if the solid rock under our feet is not only Christ the Rock, but the firm foundation of others who believe with us in God’s deliverance? We are invited to gain courage and hope from the praises we hear on the lips of those around us in the gathered community. Pastor Tara VinCross will preach a sermon titled, “This is My Story” in the series Keep a Song in Your Heart: the Psalms of Summer.