Dirt, Seeds, and Tears | Psalms of the Summer, pt. 3 | Pastor Tara VinCross

Jul 1, 2023    Pastor Tara VinCross

Are you growing a garden this summer? Or even a tomato growing in a pot on your doorstep? It takes work! Dirt, plus water equals soil. Soil plus seed equals life. We want to cut out parts of the process or oversimplify. Yet we don’t get life (ie the taste of a juicy tomato) without dirt or tears or seeds. Daniel knew this from personal experience. The fruit of God’s Spirit grew in his life as he demonstrated courage in captivity. Right in the midst of the challenge, God turned his tears into songs of joy, his seeds into full-grown sheaves. This is the story our kids have been focusing on all week during Vacation Bible School, and the story that will shape our reading of the Psalm. We will discover, like Daniel, that through it all, our God is growing good things in our lives. Pastor Tara VinCross will preach the next sermon titled, “Dirt, Seeds, and Tears” in the series Keep a Song in Your Heart: the Psalms of Summer.