A Home Run for the Kingdom | Pastor Mike Leno

May 25, 2024    Pastor Mike Leno

Is there a secret for success in the Kingdom of God? Can you do something truly great for his kingdom? Can you, figuratively speaking, hit a home run for God’s team?

James and John had an advantage, possibly a secret to success. They knew the Messiah, quite well, they thought. So they they figured they had an inside track to greatness. They were about to hit a home run. They would be the GOAT (greatest of all time)! Jesus seems to spoil their plans, however, when he tells them, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.”

What did Jesus mean by that? People who aspire to greatness don’t volunteer to be slaves. So, is it impossible to do something great for God? Perhaps, like the disciples, we need to find out what Jesus meant and what the kingdom of God is all about.

Watch as Pastor Mike Leno presents a message entitled, “A Home Run for the Kingdom,” based on Matthew 20:25-28.