Not Separated | Dr. John W. Webster
Diversity is a beautiful thing. But it is also hard. We need to understand why we celebrate it, because experiencing it can often lead to a fear of displacement. The whole book of Romans is about handling diversity (between Jew and Gentile, but also many other kinds of diversity). Romans 9-11 tackles the Jew/Gentile problem, climaxing in Chapter 12 (One Body, many parts) and Chapter 14-15 (Therefore don’t judge each other). Paul ends the book with greetings to (and from) a wide diversity of people in Chap 16. But before Paul plunges into all this, in chapter 8:14-39 (the focus of this week's sermon), he gives us four powerful reasons why nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We may fear being displaced, disoriented or dislodged by incoming diversity and change—but Paul assures us that no matter what we cannot be dislodged from God’s heart.