Business as Usual in the Kingdom of God | Pastor Mike Leno

Apr 13, 2024    Pastor Mike Leno

Do you ever have a hard time talking about money? Of course, we all do at times. I suspect even Jesus had a hard time with that topic, depending on who his audience was. The poor loved it. The wealthy Pharisees, not so much!

One of Jesus' most difficult parables has to do with money—the story of the unfaithful steward in Luke 16. It’s a parable that at first glance seems hard to decipher. But in the context of the Messiah’s message of love, compassion, and justice for everyone, it’s quite easy to understand.

So did it help for Jesus to tell the story? The Pharisees sneered at him afterward, so we know that at least part of his audience was not impressed. But how do we react to Jesus’ teaching? We need to talk about that.